Day 1 :
Keynote Forum
Dr. Joelle Nohra
Lebanese International University, Lebanon
Keynote: The Tech Trends and the Future of the Pharmaceutical Sector
Time : 9:00

(Dr.) Joelle Nohra completed her PharmD in pharmaceutical sciences from Saint Joseph University and has three master’s degrees, one in marketing from Montpellier University, one in Health Management from Paris University, and an Executive Master in Business Administration from ESCP Europe. From one achievement to the other in the pharmaceutical field, she was able to meet her commitments and leverage the brand equity of the products in charge. Today, she is responsible for the Global Brand Management and the Social Media Marketing Management in LSI Silderma LTD, a pharmaceutical dermo-cosmetic company based in Ireland and operating worldwide.
The difficult times we have been through in recent years have highlighted the importance of the pharmaceutical industry and health sector in general, and their advancements in our daily lives. Factors such as the pandemic, new therapeutic modalities, recent ways of working, or inflation are forcing health companies to reconsider their sourcing, manufacturing, and supply chain operations strategies. The pharmaceutical industry, along with the healthcare sector, is undergoing major digital transformations as a result of improvements in Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Big Data, and Data Science. While presenting in detail those technological advancements and how those trends will reshape the pharmaceutical sector, we will examine also the challenges that the pharmacists and the pharma executives will have to face and the steps they should be taking to overcome them in order to ensure the core value of the sector which is to provide quality care to the patients.
- Advanced Pharmaceutical Analysis Techniques
Session Introduction
Xun Guo
Biogen Inc, USA
Title: Platform headspace gas chromatography method for high-throughput determination of residual solvents in pharmaceutical materials

Xun Guo has completed his PhD from Brown University and postdoctoral studies from Yale University Department of Chemical Biology. He is the senior scientist of Biogen Inc, a biopharmaceutical company. He has published more than 20 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as a reviewer for various journals in chemical and pharmaceutical space.
Static headspace capillary gas chromatography (HSGC) has been employed to monitor the level of residual solvents in the pharmaceutical materials. Most of the HSGC methods, however, consume significant amounts of diluents and require considerable amount of sample preparation time. Accordingly, a HSGC method featured with fast turnaround time, and minimal amount of solvent use has been developed for the quantitative analysis of 27 residual solvents frequently used in the development and manufacturing processes of pharmaceutical industry. This HSGC-FID method employs a commercially available fused silica capillary column, a split injection (40:1), and a programmed temperature ramp. It was qualified for specificity, accuracy, repeatability/precision, linearity, LOQ, solution stability, and robustness using two representative sample matrices. The standards, samples and spiked samples were demonstrated to be stable for at least 10 days at room temperature in sealed headspace vials with a recovery of ≥ 93%. The method was also shown to be robust, and its performance was not affected by small changes of carrier gas flow rate, initial oven temperature or the headspace oven temperature. In this new approach, the analytical sample was prepared by dissolving the sample into 1 mL of the diluent and the standard solution was prepared by diluting 1 mL of the custom-made stock into 9 mL of the diluent whereas the traditional approach requires liters of the diluent, making the new approach environmentally friendly, sustainable, economical, agile, error-proofing and thus appropriate for a variety of pharmaceutical applications.
- Pharmacy Practice
Session Introduction
Manal Masri
Primary Health Care Corporation, Qatar
Title: Pharmacist- Led Medicine Optimization for Uncontrolled Diabetes in Qatar

Manal Masri is a pharmacist with over 15 years of experience in the field. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy from Damascus University in Syria and I am licensed by the Qatari Council for Healthcare Practitioners. I have extensive clinical experience, including working as a pharmacist at Al-Ahli Hospital in Qatar for about 5 years before moving recently to work in the primary health care corporation, where I have been responsible for delivering high-quality pharmaceutical care to patients with various conditions, including diabetes. She have completed several certification and training programs, including Consultation skills for Pharmacy Practice, Emotional Intelligence and Patient Experience Workshop, Cochrane Evidence Essentials, Conducting an intervention systematic review. She have been collaborating with QU as an assisstant investigator to develop and present findings on a pharmacist-led medicine optimization program for uncontrolled diabetic patients in Qatar.
Diabetes is a growing public health concern in Qatar, with a significant proportion of patients struggling to achieve optimal glycemic control. To improve diabetes management, pharmacists can play a critical role in optimizing medication regimens for patients with uncontrolled diabetes. This presentation will focus on the role of pharmacists in medicine optimization for uncontrolled diabetes in Qatar. It will review the current literature on the impact of pharmacist interventions on diabetes outcomes and describe the results of a study conducted in Qatar on the effectiveness of pharmacist-led medication management for patients with uncontrolled diabetes. The presentation will also provide recommendations for integrating pharmacist-led medication management into diabetes care in Qatar, with a focus on enhancing patient outcomes and improving healthcare efficiency. By highlighting the potential benefits of pharmacist-led medicine optimization for uncontrolled diabetes, this presentation aims to encourage healthcare providers to consider the role of pharmacists in diabetes care.

Dr. Bisrat Hailemeskel is a distinguished professor and Vice-Chair at the College of Pharmacy, Howard University. He graduated from Addis Ababa University with a B.Pharm and MSc and earned his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Toledo. Bisrat has received over one million dollars in grants and has published more than 100 research articles in various scientific journals. His research interests include dietary supplements, drug information, medication misadventures, etc. With over 20 years of experience in academia, Bisrat is a renowned expert in his field and has made significant contributions to the advancement of pharmacy practice.
The aim of this study was to enhance scientific writing and increase the number of research publications by students in a professional program by incorporating research training strategies into a drug information course. The study spanned over a period of three years (2019-2022) and included 123 students, with an average of 41 students per year. The majority of the students were females (n=83; 67%) almost all students (n=116; 94.3%) had at least a BA/BSc degree before joining the professional program. When surveyed about their prior work experience, over 95% (n=40; 98%) reported having worked before joining the pharmacy program, with more than two-thirds (n=80; 65%) having at least 2 years of work experience. Among them, approximately one-third (n=43; 35%) reported working in a pharmacy. The results showed that incorporating research methodology in the course was an effective strategy to promote scientific writing among students. Before the intervention in 2019, there were only two publications by students. However, after the research training strategies were implemented, the number of publications increased by 20-fold, with the highest publication number seen in 2021 (n=24; 54%). The total number of students who authored publications also increased by 8-fold (n=2, 18, 24, and 15 for 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 respectively). In conclusion, we found integrating research methodology into a drug information course to be an effective strategy to promote scientific writing skills and enhance the number of research publications among students in a professional program.

Gelila Tamyalew studied pharmacy at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia and graduated in 2018. She then joined master of business administration at school of business and economics at Addis Ababa university She received her master’s degree in 2022 at the same institution. After one year postdoctoral fellowship was given to her but due to other engagements she couldn’t continue. She has published 1 research article in biochemistry research international journals.
Community Pharmacists (CPs) have a significant part in consumer choice in the rational use of locally manufacured pharmaceutical products (LMPPs). The opinion of pharmacists regarding branded and generic medications can offer a perception of the potential obstacles that might have to be overcome to advance generic medicine utilization. Many factors affect CPs' attitudes negatively towards LMPPs. Therefore, the current study assessed factors that can affect CPs' attitudes towards LMPPs. In the regression analysis of variables, three variables were associated with CPs' attitudes towards LMPPs. These are; maximum educational status, professional status, and year of experience in community pharmacy practice. Moreover, lack of belief in LMPPs, substitution agreement with the prescriber, cost-effectiveness of LMPPs, and consumer preference/demand were the most influencing reasons for the selection of LMPPs. In conclusion, the attitude of CPs seems suboptimal that requires an intervention to optimize LMPP utilization.
- Hospital Pharmacy & Industrial Pharmacy
Session Introduction
Theopeste Kerelos
Brevard Health Alliance Inc., USA
Title: The Impact of Pharmacists Engaged in Collaborative Practice Agreements in the United States

Dr. Theopeste Kerelos is a Pharm.D. from Florida, USA. She earned her Bachelors of Science in Health Science from the University of Central Florida in 2017 and her Doctor of Pharmacy from Nova Southeastern University in May 2023. Dr. Kerelos conducted her research on collaborative practice agreements in the USA during her last year as a student at Nova Southeastern University. She wrote and published a manuscript, accompanied by a poster which she is presenting today. Dr. Kerelos has also been involved in other areas of research, such as the role of pharmacists in telehealth during transitions of care. Her other interests include medication therapy management, hospital pharmacy, and managed care pharmacy.
Purpose: To evaluate the role and impact of pharmacist in collaborative practice agreements (CPAs).
Methods: An electronic literature review was conducted on studies that addressed pharmacists’ involvement in CPAs. Articles included in the review were peer reviewed studies conducted on adults and published between 2017 and 2022. Articles investigating children were excluded from the review.
Results: Of the articles identified, 8 studies met the eligibility criteria and were selected for the literature review. All of the studies were published between 2017 and 2022 in English in the United States. CPAs were already in place in seven of the eight studies, with variances in CPA protocols due to differences in healthcare settings and patient populations. The studies evaluated the effect of pharmacist engagement in CPAs on the attainment of clinical and financial goals, as well as provider satisfaction with pharmacist involvement and existing barriers to pharmacist engagement in CPAs. Findings showed that pharmacist engagement in CPAs had a positive impact on the attainment of the desired clinical and financial goals and that providers were satisfied with pharmacist involvement. A common barrier to pharmacist involvement was lack of reimbursement for services.
Conclusion: Pharmacists engaged in CPAs have a positive impact on the healthcare system, and there are still opportunities for expansion of pharmacists’ roles in CPAs, particularly in non-traditional settings.
Key words: collaborative practice agreement and pharmacists or pharmacist
Disclosure: This literature review has been published in the Journal of Pharmacy Practice.
Funding: The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
- Medical Biochemistry
Session Introduction
Anil Batta
MM Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, India
Title: Nanotechnology and its use in Imaging and Drug Delivery

Prof. Dr. Anil Batta is presently professor & Head with senior consultant in Govt. Medical College, Amritsar. He did his M.B.B.S. and M.D. in Medical Biochemistry from Govt. Medical College, Patiala in 1984 and 1991, respectively. His research interest is mainly in clinical application especially cancer and drug de-addiction. He has supervised more than 25 M.D., M.Sc. and Doctorate researches and published more than 130 international research papers. He is the chief editor of America’s Journal of Biochemistry. He is also working as advisor to the editorial board of International Journal of Biological and Medical Research. He has been deputed member Editorial Board of numerous International & National Medical Journals of Biochemistry. He has also been attached as technical advisor to various national and international conferences in Biochemistry. He has been attached as hi-tech endocrinal, genetics and automated labs of Baba Farid Univ. of Health Sciences, Faridkot. He has chaired various sessions in the Biochemistry meets. He has been designated as member Editorial Board of various in US and other European Countries. He is also involved in various research projects at Govt. Medical, Amritsar. He has done super specialization in Drug-de-addiction from PGIMER, Chandigarh.
Nanotechnology is the exploitation of the unique properties of materials at the nanoscale. Nanotechnology has gained popularity in several industries, as it offers better built and smarter products. The application of nanotechnology in medicine and healthcare is referred to as nanomedicine, and it has been used to combat some of the most common diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The present review provides an overview of the recent advances of nanotechnology in the aspects of imaging and drug delivery. Nanoscience is the study of the unique properties of materials between 1-100 nm, and nanotechnology is the application of such research to create or modify novel objects. The ability to manipulate structures at the atomic scale allows for the creation of nanomaterials. Nanomaterials have unique optical, electrical and/or magnetic properties at the nanoscale, and these can be used in the fields of electronics and medicine, amongst other scenarios. Nanomaterials are unique as they provide a large surface area to volume ratio. Unlike other large-scaled engineered objects and systems, nanomaterials are governed by the laws of quantum mechanics instead of the classical laws of physics and chemistry. In short, nanotechnology is the engineering of useful objects and functional systems at the molecular or atomic scale.
Nanotechnologies have had a significant impact in almost all industries and areas of society as it offers i) better built, ii) safer and cleaner, iii) longer-lasting and iv) smarter products for medicine, communications, everyday life, agriculture and other industries. The use of nanomaterials in everyday products can be generally divided into two types. First, nanomaterials can be merged or added to a pre-existing product and improve the composite objects' overall performance by lending some of its unique properties. Otherwise, nanomaterials such as nanocrystals and nanoparticles can be used directly to create advanced and powerful devices attributed to their distinctive properties. The benefits of nanomaterials could potentially affect the future of nearly all industrial sectors. The beneficial use of nanomaterials can be found in sunscreens, cosmetics, sporting goods, tyres, electronics and several other everyday items . Additionally, nanotechnologies have revolutionized advances in medicine, specifically in diagnostic methods, imaging and drug delivery.
- Pharmaceutical Packing and Marketing
Session Introduction
Ashish A. Adhikari
SP Jain School of Global Management, India
Title: A Study to Investigate the Influential Factors to the Adoption of Pharma 4.0 within the Pharmaceutical Supply chain

Ashish is a Senior Advisor at Mckinsey and Co. based out of Mumbai, India. His responsibilities are to streamline Manufacturing Operations for the Pharmaceutical Supply chain. His strong passion and expertise has been around leading teams and organizations towards Continuous improvement and Change management. His experience of working across different Industries and geographies has developed strong cultural sensitivity, process appreciation and execution skills. He is also a Research Scholar with a Doctorate in Business administration from SP Jain School of Global Management, Sydney campus. His Research interests include Change management and understanding the challenges of Pharma 4.0 adoption across the supply chain.
The world is moving towards digitization and pharmaceutical companies are actively preparing for this change transition. Some pharma organizations have managed this change well, however most others have been left out. Implementation of digitization is a complex process involving multiple factors, stakeholders and constraints. Digitization or Industry 4.0 as it is popularly called, promises many benefits to the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain. Industry 4.0 within the Pharma context is called as P4.0. However, the nature of the Pharma industry and its impact on patient safety provides unique challenges to Digital implementations. Most Pharmaceutical companies rush into P4.0 considering it as the “Flavor of the season”. This can result into failures and stalling of the change process. A deeper understanding of the drivers and influencers to digitization is needed before proceeding for any such implementations. This paper presents a study on the various independent variables that influence and impact the successful adoption of digitization in pharmaceutical companies, within the supply chain. A gap analysis from literature survey of more than 250 articles from 2013 – 2021 has helped to identify six independent variables that may influence the adoption of P4.0 within the supply chain. These six independent variables are Leadership drive, Organizational culture, Digital capability, Data availability, Data security and Regulatory acceptance. The impact of these independent variables on adoption is measured in the form of research outcomes identified within the literature survey. These outcomes are Reduced costs, Higher efficiencies, Reduced lead times, Reduced breakdowns, Higher quality and Improved human capability.
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
Session Introduction
Ayman Khalil
Ahli Hospital, Qatar
Title: Pharmacist- Led medicine optimization for uncontrolled diabetes in Qatar

Ayman Khalil holds a Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Minia University in Egypt. He have completed several certification and training programs, including Consultation skills for Pharmacy Practice, Emotional Intelligence and Patient Experience Workshop, Cochrane Evidence Essentials, Conducting an intervention systematic review. He have been collaborating with QU as a principal investigator to develop and present findings on a pharmacist-led medicine optimization program for uncontrolled diabetic patients in Qatar. He have presented at Al-Ahli Hospital Journal Club on various topics, including a systematic review on the bioavailability of orally administered antibiotics, Penicillin V short vs long course in patients with pharyngotonsillitis caused by group A Streptococci, and the feasibility of Core Antimicrobial Stewardship Interventions in Community Hospitals.
Diabetes is a growing public health concern in Qatar, with a significant proportion of patients struggling to achieve optimal glycemic control. To improve diabetes management, pharmacists can play a critical role in optimizing medication regimens for patients with uncontrolled diabetes. This presentation will focus on the role of pharmacists in medicine optimization for uncontrolled diabetes in Qatar. It will review the current literature on the impact of pharmacist interventions on diabetes outcomes and describe the results of a study conducted in Qatar on the effectiveness of pharmacist-led medication management for patients with uncontrolled diabetes. The presentation will also provide recommendations for integrating pharmacist-led medication management into diabetes care in Qatar, with a focus on enhancing patient outcomes and improving healthcare efficiency. By highlighting the potential benefits of pharmacist-led medicine optimization for uncontrolled diabetes, this presentation aims to encourage healthcare providers to consider the role of pharmacists in diabetes care.
- Pharmacoeconomics
Session Introduction
Ghasemali Divband
Nuclear Medicine Center, Jam Hospital , Iran
Title: Radiotheragnostics in oncology; current status and future prespective

Ghasemali Divband has completed his education as Nuclear Medicine physician from Mashhad University of Medical Science. He is head of department of Nuclear Medicine and radionuclide therapy at Jam Hospital in Tehran-Iran. He has published more than 25 papers in reputed journals, manily in field of radionuclide therapy.
In recent years, radiotheragnostics refers to a rapidly evolving field of medicine in which disease is diagnosed followed by treatment of disease positive patients using tools for the therapy identical to those used for the diagnosis by imaging. Precision oncology leads the way in theragnostics innovation, where the approach has become possible with the identification of specific targets selectively expressed in cancer versus healthy tissue and graet advances in imaging technology. Now, radiotheragnostics using radiopharmaceuticals is becoming routine with favorable results in patients with prostate cancer and neuroendocrine tumors who express the receptors of PSMA and SSTR, respectively. We will discuss about current status and future prespective of this exciting field and it;s role in precision oncology.
- Novel Drug Delivery Systems
Session Introduction
Makwana Rajeshree
Sardar Patel College of Pharmacy, India
Title: Formulation, development and characterization of Ornidazole loaded hydrogel for vaginal delivery

Makwana Rajeshree, Sardar Patel College of Pharmacy, India
The objective of the present study was to prepare and evaluate Ornidazole microsponge loaded hydrogel for topical delivery to control the action of the drug. Ornidazole is a wide spectrum antifungal drug. Oral administration of Ornidazole often produce gastric disturbance, nausea and vomiting resulting in a less patient compliance with long term therapy. Microsponge formulation has ability to improve stability and reduce the irritation without reducing their efficacy. The Miconazole nitrate microsponge were prepared by quasi-emulsion diffusion method using Ethyl cellulose and eudragit RS-100 as a polymer, polyvinyl alcohol as an emulsifying agent, triethanolamine as a plasticizer, ethanol and methanol used as solvent. For the optimization of Ornidazole loaded microsponge Box bahenken Factorial design was employed. The weight of polymer (X1) and concentration of PVA (X2) were selected as independent variables. Where as particle size (Y1) and % loading efficiency (Y2) were selected as dependent variables. The optimized batch of Ornidazole loaded microsponge was evaluated by particles size, shape and internal structure by SEM. Compatibility was evaluated by DSC and FTIR of optimized batch. There was no interaction between drug and polymer molecules. The drug release data of optimized batch were fitted into different kinetic models which show that the drug release from gel formulations follows higuchi model. In vitro diffusion study of Miconazole nitrate microsponge confirmed that it gives sustained release effect up to 12 hour.
Keywords: Microsponge, Topical delivery, Quasi- emulsion solvent diffusion, In-Vitro release.